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Sweet Home 3

Happy Wisdom Garden

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热点直播 "Happy Wisdom Garden" is a comprehensive family education program launched by Hongmeng under the guidance of the Early Childhood Education Expert Committee for children aged 1-6 years old to learn and play. The program is based on the theory of multiple intelligences proposed by Professor Howard Gardner, a psychologist at Harvard University in the United States, and focuses on the full development of children's potential. According to the characteristics of children's physiological and psychological development and the laws of cognitive and thinking development, the product is scientifically divided into 5 versions: 1-2 years old baby version, 2-3 years old Beibei version, 3-4 years old happy version, 4-5 years old growth version, 5-6 years old preschool version. Each age group is divided into 12 DVDs per month, and there are 60 DVDs for 5 age groups. Each DVD is about 30 minutes long, with 8-12 sections, focusing on developing children's potential in 8 major intelligences, including language, mathematical logic, visual space, music, body movement, interpersonal communication, self-reflection, and nature observation.