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如果皇马真的决定退出西甲,那么其未来的去向备受关注。据内部消息透露,皇马可能会考虑加入法甲、意甲或德甲等联赛。这一决定将无疑对西班牙足球以及全球足球界产生深远影响。球迷们和各界人士都在密切关注着这一事态的进展,期待能尽快看到皇马的最终决定。 clearbox's just an unnaturalness歌词 英文歌词

**《Just an Unnaturalness》英文歌词**

I can't get your love from your heart

Like the clear box with the invisible lid

But you don't understand how it works

This feeling, this pain, so hard to deny

The shadows around you, they never fade

You try to escape but it's a distant chase

It's a race you're not likely to win

Because your heart's a mystery, a puzzle unsolved

Just an unnaturalness, a force that's not your own

A void that you can't fill, a hunger that won't end

You're like a bird without a song, a star without a light

Just an unnaturalness in your soul that can't be hidden

And every day it's like a puzzle game

Trying to figure out the things that don't seem to make sense

You search for answers but they never come

It's like a dream that you can't wake up from

But I know that you're not alone in this fight

There are others who feel the same way as you do

And when the time is right, we'll all find our way

Through this unnaturalness, to a place where we belong

So don't be afraid to let it show

Let the world see what you're going through

Because in the end, it's just an unnaturalness

A part of life that we all must face somehow

Just an unnaturalness, a force that's not your own

A path that leads to a destination unknown

But as long as there's breath in your lungs and a beat in your heart

You have the strength to face this unnaturalness and make it work

In the end, it's all just an unnaturalness

A dance of life, a struggle for the soul

But don't let it define you or hold you down

Because in the end, it's all worth it in the end.

以上是《Just an Unnaturalness》的英文歌词,希望对您有所帮助。